- Prom was dogshit (atleast for me), i was very awkward, silent, bored and mostly
left earlier by annoy my sibling to pick me up (not used to be in a big big party like that)
- Having a sleep deprived is not good, wouldnt recommend, especially
when you just fixed ur sleep schedule
- Had a meltdown about how my art and music isnt great, being a
failure and how much of a jalous person i am
- Im probably starting to experience depression, i havent checked
the doctor but ive been feeling low, espcially how much of a anxious
person i am
- Lost a friend (not really lost but stop talking to em for a while) after that
whole situations
- Anxiety Yes
- Ive been a hikkomori these past days, i need to
experience oxygen
- I have no idea whats going on, but my fucking skills and grammar on both of language french and english is getting shit, shittier and shittier
- People are such an assholes n weird nowadays, i do not understand